"zin NORMALI vīrieši nepiesedzas ar bērniem kā vairogu kad iet kauties..
ptu... "
Normāli vīrieši neatstāj sievas/sievietes kara zonās.
No "bēgļiem" 72% ir vīrieši un 13% sievietes, Apvienoto Nāciju dati: Pat bērnu bēgļu ir vairāk nekā sieviešu...
"vinji zinaja kas tur likums, ir robeža. ..Serbija kara tagad nav..
Turcija ari nav"
Dānijā arī itkā karš nebūtu... bet redz pabalstu tagad ir pa mazu, jo Zviedrijā, Somijā un Vācijā ir lielāki, tāpēc atsakās no patvēruma Dānijā un pieprasa uz citām valstīm.
Viens kolēģis no Nīderlandes padalījas ar šo ziņu no otrā lielākā laikraksta valstī: Bēgļu nometnēs notiek izvarošanas un savstarpēju iebraucēju grupējumu sadursmes... google translate tulkojums angliski(latviski galīgi neskaidri pārtulkoja):
"The largest shelter for refugees in Germany, the HEAE in Giessen where currently reside 6000 people, dominate abuses. Women and girls are being raped by fellow asylum seekers. There is also talk of forced prostitution. Female asylum seekers would overnight be afraid to visit the toilets for fear of being aangerand.urgers be welcomed with flowers and toys. If they are in the camps, the situation looks different, agrees Grothe. According to him, the men and women in the HEAE as soon as possible be separated. Fortunately, to happen this soon. ’’
The authorities recognize that there are incidents., But his occasional rapes, ’’ said a spokesman for the HEAE against Giessener Allgemeine Zeitung. The HEAE has a long tradition, partly as a shelter for displaced persons from the GDR. To Somalia in the name of the town is a concept as being received in Giessen decades refugees from that country
Somalis are also involved in the gang wars in the HEAE knows Grothe:, The State has difficulty in camp to put his monopoly by. Albanians fighting Eritreans and Somalis. They are very racist and would not at all with blacks from Africa live under the same roof. ’’ Recent were arrested fourteen Albanians, who beat two asylum seekers in the hospital.
Also in the Netherlands soon to open reception centers for large numbers of asylum seekers. Psychiatrist Grothe:, There will certainly come with this kind of excesses. "
Moreover, in the shelter case of serious violence between Albanian gangs and groups of refugees from Eritrea and Somalia. In an urgent letter to politicians cards four welfare abuses on. They point to "numerous" cases of rape and sexual assault. According to them, men consider women traveling alone like stray animals.
On Wednesday it was announced that the Netherlands gets a mega-camp for refugees. In Heumensoord Nijmegen is a tent camp for 3, 000 asylum seekers Spokesmen for the organizations regret that their fire write about the abuses in the German asylum seekers’ center, was leaked. The letter circulates in neo-Nazi Internet forums, where asylum-seekers are agitated.
Close together
Germany is counting this year with a million asylum seekers, largely from Islamic countries. Because the shelters are overcrowded are scattered emergency shelters furnished. In the ’Hessian Erstaufnahmeeinrichting für Refugees (HEAE) stays at the moment some 6, 000 asylum seekers. According to the psychiatrist Klaus-Dieter Grothe, who works with refugees and the refugee camp know well, the situation in the HEAE is not exceptional., This is everywhere where women and men who do not know each other, packed tightly together. ’’
To the precise number of cases of rape can only be conjectured, Grothe says:, But there are a lot. Giessen has 80, 000 inhabitants, there are 6, 000 asylum seekers. But, ten percent of the number of births in the city having babies of female applicants. Women who are on the run, do not get massively children. This indicates unwanted pregnancies. ’’
Less than ten women have the past half year filed a complaint of rape. Grothe:, These women and girls have big fear to fellow asylum seekers, often compatriots with whom they have fled together, and on whom they depend, to give ’’.
The abuses in the HEAE stand in stark contrast to the festive images of the arrival of asylum seekers, which are welcomed by German citizens with flowers and toys. If they are in the camps, the situation looks different, agrees Grothe. According to him, the men and women in the HEAE as soon as possible be separated. Fortunately, to happen this soon. ’’
The authorities recognize that there are incidents., But his occasional rapes, ’’ said a spokesman for the HEAE against Giessener Allgemeine Zeitung. The HEAE has a long tradition, partly as a shelter for displaced persons from the GDR. To Somalia in the name of the town is a concept as being received in Giessen decades refugees from that country
Somalis are also involved in the gang wars in the HEAE knows Grothe:, The State has difficulty in camp to put his monopoly by. Albanians fighting Eritreans and Somalis. They are very racist and would not at all with blacks from Africa live under the same roof. ’’ Recent were arrested fourteen Albanians, who beat two asylum seekers in the hospital.
Also in the Netherlands soon to open reception centers for large numbers of asylum seekers. Psychiatrist Grothe:, There will certainly come with this kind of excesses. "
Kā jau rakstīju iepriekš, nejau velti Vācijas skola nosūtija vecākiem brīdinājumu...
"Kopējā bēgļu pārvietošanas plāna ietvaros daļa Vācijā iebraukušo migrantu tika izvietoti nelielajā Pokingas pilsētiņā Austrijas pierobežā. 200 sīriešu – tieši blakus vietējās ģimnāzijas sporta zālei. Skolas direktors Martins Thalhammers drīz vien bija spiests nosūtīt savu audzēkņu vecākiem vēstuli ar lūgumu pārskatīt atvašu garderobi, proti, pašu meiteņu drošībai, viņu rokām un kājām ir jābūt nosegtām, tāpat jāizvairās no pieguloša apģērba. Vēstulē skaidrots, ka Sīrijas pilsoņi ir galvenokārt musulmaņi un runā arābu valodā. Viņiem ir atšķirīga kultūra, un izaicinoši topi, blūzes, šorti un minisvārki «var radīt pārpratumus». Šī ir netieša norāde uz seksuāliem uzbrukumiem, ko piedzīvojušas jaunās sievietes ne vien Vācijā, bet arī citās valstīs, kur ir liels trešo pasaules valstu pilsoņu īpatsvars. Par daudzajiem izvarošanas gadījumiem īpaši satraucas Zviedrija."