"Baltie" politiķi ir iebiedēti ar rasisma un Islamofobijas apzīmējumiem, tāpēc šo tēmu beidzot Lielbritānija ir pacēluši Sikhi un Hinduisti, kuri grib Islāmistu sistemātisko grupējumu izvarošanas, kur galvenokārt cieš ne-musulmanietes, pielīdzināt "Hate crime" jeb Naida noziegumiem. Viens no nesen spilgtākajiem notikumiem bija Roterhamā, kur vairāku gadu garumā cieta aptuveni 1400 balto/ne-musulmaņu meiteņu, no galvenokārt pakistāniešu grupējumiem, bet policija šos noziegumus necēla gaismā, jo baidijās tikt nosauktiem par rasistiem un Islamofobiem. Kad beidzot tika "nopludināta" šī informācija, tad informācijas daudzums gāzās straumēm... kas tik netika noklusēts.
Spokos par to bija diezgan detalizēts raksts:
http://spoki.tvnet.lv/tribine/Pedofil...lija/719749 BBC:
"Some or the largest Hindu and Sikh organisations in Britain have warned of Cologne-style “mass, planned rape and sexual assault”, urging the British government to learn lessons from Rotherham and crack down on Muslim violence against white and Asian non-Muslim women.
In a joint statement, the Hindu Council UK (HCUK), the largest Hindu umbrella body in the country, the Sikh Awareness Society, a leading independent Sikh advisory board, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group have called for the British government to recognise “the targeting of non-Muslim women” as a specific “hate crime”.
The faith leaders lambasted “political correctness” and said that lessons “must be learnt” from the Rotherham, where mainly Muslim men were allowed to rape, traffic and torture 1400 girls, unimpeded for decades, because authorities were too scared of offending Muslims."
The joint statement was signed by Lord Indarjit Singh of Wimbledon, of the Network of Sikh Organisations, Anil Bhanot, of The Hindu Council UK, Mohan Singh Khalsa, of The Sikh Awareness Society, and Ashish Joshi, of The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.