Nu ko... Francija ieviesa ārkārtas stāvokli valstī un beidzot slēdza robežas. Šogad Eiropā ir rekorda liels daudzums anti-terrorisma Islāmistu reidu, gandrīz katru dienu kādu arestē, vakar vien Itālijas policija arestēja 17 Islāmistus.
"Police arrested more than a dozen people across Europe suspected of belonging to an Islamic State-linked jihadist organization that recruited fighters, planned attacks and plotted to break its founder out of a Norwegian jail.
Italian authorities, who are leading the investigation, said Thursday they issued arrest warrants for 17 people—16 of whom were ethnic Kurds—as part of a five-year investigation into the suspected Europe-wide network. It marks an unusually large coordinated effort for European authorities." ----
Pēc janvāra notikumiem Francijā bija interesants raksts no The Telegraph:
"France’s prison population is estimated to be 70 per cent Muslim - and yet there are fewer imams visiting French prisons than British. Critics of the French state say it is no surprise that Islamist recruiters, like those who enticed Paris terrorists Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, are finding prison a fertile hunting ground" 70% no Francijas cietumniekiem ir musulmaņi, 8% no valsts iedzīvotājiem.
Igaunijā šonedēļ izcēlās masu sadursmes bēgļu nometnē ar policistiem...
"Plašas nekārtības pagājušajā naktī izcēlušās patvēruma meklētāju centrā Igaunijā. Lai savaldītu satrakojušos migrantus, uz bēgļu mītni nosūtītas vairākas policijas ekipāžas."