Anglijā ir viens tāds radikālis, kas arī runā skaidru valodu nedomājot par politisko korektumu - Andžems Čaudrijs/Anjem Chaudhry - viņš jau iesmēja par britiem, kuri viņiem maksā saucamo "Dawah(Islāma misionāri/popularizētāji) un Džihadistu pabalstu".
"Anjem Choudary was secretly filmed mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year.
“The rest of the year they were busy with jihad [holy war] and things like that, ” he said. “People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working’.
“But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers].
“So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”
He went on to tell a 30-strong crowd: “We are going to take England — the Muslims are coming.”
Labākais teksts ir šeit, netikai viņš stāsta kā musulmaņi pārņem Eiropas lielākās pilsētas un ka ir pareizi ņemt nodokļus no neticīgajiem, bet arī izsmej nodokļu maksātājus kā tādus - kuri viņam maksā 25 000 mārciņas(~35 000 eiro) gadā:
"Ridiculing the daily lives of UK workers, Choudary said: “You find people are busy working the whole of their life. They wake up at 7 o’clock. They go to work at 9 o’clock.
“They work for eight, nine hours a day. They come home at 7 o’clock, watch EastEnders, sleep, and they do that for 40 years of their life. That is called slavery.”
Choudary, a father-of-four, claims more than £25, 000 a year in benefits, £8, 000 more than the take-home pay of some soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to the Sun, which covertly filmed the preacher at three meetings.
At another meeting in Slough infiltrated by the Sun, Choudary was filmed proclaiming that Islam was taking over Europe.
“Now we are taking over Birmingham and populating it, ” he said.
“Brussels is 30 per cent, 40 per cent Muslim and Amsterdam. Bradford is 17 per cent Muslim."
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